District C. Telefonica Central Headquarters

District C. Telefonica Central Headquarters
Madrid, Spain

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Size / 390,000m2
Client / Telefonica S.A


2009 ‘International Work’ Award at 11th Argentinian Architecture Biennale
2009 COAM Distinction

The most important purpose of the interior design of Telefonica Headquarters has been to provide a comfortable and motivating working environment for all the workers who use it. The environmental quality of the working areas is assured by the abundance of natural light, the extensive views, the permanent presence of views towards the landscape, in addition to the thermal and acoustic comfort of the building and the ergonomics of the furniture. We promoted a sensation of space which was a t the same time extensive and secluded, flexible and ordered, vital and efficient, pleasant and unequivocally designed for work.

District C. Telefonica Central Headquarters
Madrid, Spain

Size / 390,000m2
Client / Telefonica S.A


2009 ‘International Work’ Award at 11th Argentinian Architecture Biennale
2009 COAM Distinction

The most important purpose of the interior design of Telefonica Headquarters has been to provide a comfortable and motivating working environment for all the workers who use it. The environmental quality of the working areas is assured by the abundance of natural light, the extensive views, the permanent presence of views towards the landscape, in addition to the thermal and acoustic comfort of the building and the ergonomics of the furniture. We promoted a sensation of space which was a t the same time extensive and secluded, flexible and ordered, vital and efficient, pleasant and unequivocally designed for work.

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