Vestas Mediterraneam Showroom

Vestas Mediterraneam Showroom
Madrid, Spain

Size / 2,721m2
Client / Vestas Eólica S.A.U.

We investigated into the new role of a store in a multichannel environment, to offer the right environment for clients to quickly explore the very latest technology.

Today’s consumer has vastly different and more sofisticated expectations of product, service, value and environment. In the new multichannel reality, the boundaries between virtual and physical space are becoming blurred. We questioned the role and function of showrooms in an environment where their relevance to the connected consumer is increasingly subject to change. It needed to be an embodiment of the brand and a ‘destination’ for clients where they could do much more than simply browse and transact.

Vestas Mediterraneam Showroom
Madrid, Spain

Size / 2,721m2
Client / Vestas Eólica S.A.U.

We investigated into the new role of a store in a multichannel environment, to offer the right environment for clients to quickly explore the very latest technology.

Today’s consumer has vastly different and more sofisticated expectations of product, service, value and environment. In the new multichannel reality, the boundaries between virtual and physical space are becoming blurred. We questioned the role and function of showrooms in an environment where their relevance to the connected consumer is increasingly subject to change. It needed to be an embodiment of the brand and a ‘destination’ for clients where they could do much more than simply browse and transact.